FirstKids Urgent Care is proud to provide pediatric care to Tuscaloosa and our surrounding communities. FirstKids is located in the same office as First Care. FirstKids has it's own wing within the facility fully dedicated to children needing urgent care. Explore the info below or visit our website firstkidsmd.com to book directly. No appointment is necessary.
What can FirstKids Urgent Care Provide?
FirstKids offers one on one time with our Provider in our children's urgent care wing. Every service, treatment and procedure is done separately away from the adult urgent care to make children feel more comfortable with their surroundings. FirstKids is designed with kids in mind, bright colors, tvs. and toys all play a part in our patients comfort.
Basic Services are:
in-house labs, x-rays, and pharmacy.
Basic/ Most Common Treatments are:
Minor Burns
Rashes, & Scrapes
Upset Stomach & Vomiting
Sprains & Strains
Fever, Cold & Flu

1251 McFarland Blvd. NE, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406